Principal Investigator

YongJoo Kim 김용주
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Korea University
Email :
Tel : 82-2-3290-3282
Address : Anam-ro 145, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Office : Engineering Building, Room 166
2008.08 – 2013.06 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Alfredo Alexander-Katz
2005.03 – 2008.06 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University
Assistant Professor,Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kookmin University
KI Fellow, KAIST Institute (KI) Nanocentury, KAIST
Assistant Research Professor, KAIST Institute (KI) Nanocentury, KAIST
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST
2024.03 – Present
2020.03 – 2024.02
2016.02 – 2020.02
2013.11 – 2016.01
2013.07 – 2013.10
Awards and Honors
2016 – 2022
2008 – 2011
Ministrial award (field of nano and materials), Ministry of Science and ICT
Emerging scholar award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
Outstanding research award, KI for Nanocentury
Presidential post-doc fellowship, National Research Foundation
Best early paper award, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT
STX scholarsip, STX Corporation

Woo Seop Hwang 황우섭
MS 2024.02 (Kookmin University)
Machine learning of architecture controlled copolymer system
Graduate Students

Jae Wan Chung 정재완
MS candidate (4th semester)
Molecular dynamics simulation of charged polymer system

WooJin Kim 김우진
MS candidate (4th semester)
Simulation of bio-molecular sensing polymers

AhYeon Cho 조아연
MS candidate (3rd semester)
Data-driven alloy design

SeoYeun Kim 김서연
MS candidate (3rd semester)
Simulation of colloidal assembly

Min Young Seo 서민영
MS candidate (3rd semester)
Multi-scale simulation of battery slurry system

Ji Won Choe 최지원
MS candidate (1st semester) (KRICT)
Undergraduate Students

Daehyung Kim 김대형
4th year undergraduate researcher
Molecular dynamics simulation of polymeric system

Yujeong Chun 천유정
4th year undergraduate researcher
Autonomous synthesis of high entropy alloys

Dongmin Kim 김동민
3rd year undergraduate researcher
DFT based machine learning

HyeonJun Kim 김현준
3rd year undergraduate researcher
Molecular Dynamics simulation of polymeric system

Hyechan Park 박혜찬
3rd year undergraduate researcher
DFT based machine learning

Junhyuk Tak 탁준혁
3rd year undergraduate researcher
DFT based machine learning

DongGyun Huh 허동균
3rd year undergraduate researcher
Autonomous synthesis of high entropy alloys

Su Hwa Cho 조수화
Undergraduate researcher (2021-2022)
Current affiliation : SK Hynix

Ji Hee Kim 김지희
Undergraduate researcher
Current affiliation : Hyundai Motors

Seung Woo Nam 남승우
Undergraduate researcher